Our team is thrilled to announce and talk about ZettaScale’s commercial offering for Cyclone DDS! We’ve been working on this for the past months with our partners from TTTechAuto and we’re excited to share it with you. You can read more about our partnership to provide cutting-edge communication technologies for software-defined vehicles on our website.
It’s a commercial OMG DDS implementation from the open-source Eclipse Cyclone DDS. It has professional support, extra features and tools, and it’s built specifically for real-time mission-critical systems. This version introduces some long-awaited functionalities requested by our partners and clients. If you’re curious to learn which features made the list, keep reading.
First, is the commercial Cyclone DDS the right choice for you?
Yes, if you have machines, devices or robots that require real-time, low latency, low jitter and high throughput communication. Cyclone DDS is the ideal match for a large class of real-time and mission-critical applications.
Secondly, why should you choose this DDS version?
Simply put, the commercial version of Cyclone DDS is the most performing, scalable, robust, and secure DDS implementation on the market. You can find more details on our website.
For markets such as Aerospace, Defence, IIoT or Railways, it’s important to select an interoperable, safe and secure technology. Our commercial Cyclone DDS code base is certifiable ISO-26262. Additionally, its compliance with the OMG DDSi V2.5, DDS-Security 1.1 and the Quality Assurance standards makes it the obvious choice. We already meet ROS-2 REP-2004 Level 2 and are working hard with our partners to get additional certifications.

Commercial Cyclone DDS promises
- Unleash the Power of TSN
Our team designed the commercial support for Cyclone DDS to ensure best-effort deterministic data distribution on non-deterministic networks. With support for TSN, it now provides guaranteed real-time data distribution.
- Zero-Copy Shared Memory Support
It optimizes inter-process communications by supporting zero-copy shared memory. Unlike other DDS products, application developers do not need to use extra APIs or annotations in their data models to take advantage of the zero-copy. Whether your data is shared locally on the same machine it produces or you send it to a remote network location, it’ll remain completely transparent to you. You’ll always use the same APIs.
- Monitor and Repair Your Networked DDS-based-system with the Netlens Tooling Suite
The Netlens Tooling suite helps users, system integrators, and administrators monitor, control, and debug their commercial Cyclone DDS-based systems. It automatically detects and highlights QoS conflicts and data type mismatches. With Netlens, you can easily benchmark your DDS-based system to measure performance, both in terms of data latency and throughput.
- System Evolvability
It supports the OMG XTypes Standard, which allows data types to evolve over time while maintaining interoperability with older data types. This is a key feature for long-lived systems that require incremental innovations.
- Support Internet Scale and Deeply Embedded Deployments
The commercial version comes with native Zenoh integration. This allows Cyclone DDS applications to transparently and efficiently interact across the Internet by leveraging Zenoh’s routing infrastructure. Likewise, the transparent integration with Zenoh allows this version of Cyclone DDS applications to interact with deeply embedded devices based on Zenoh-Pico. If you’re interested to learn more about Zenoh, you can watch our webinars on ROS integration with Zenoh and also its integration with other databases and protocols.
Support to make your experience better
We provide professional support and maintenance services to our partners and we ensure all their deadlines are met. We’re here to support you through all phases of your project development and deployment and we want to see you succeed. We also offer training and workshops hosted by our DDS experts and tailored to your needs.
For more information, don’t hesitate to contact us at contact@zettascale.tech and speak with one of our experts. If you want to reach out to our development team, join our Discord channel to ask them questions.