Get the best out of Cyclone DDS

How to Get the Best Out of Cyclone DDS

| 3 min read

Why is Cyclone DDS users’ favourite Open OMG DDS implementation? 

This is what we heard again and again at ROSCon 2022, so our DDS team decided to share their two decades of DDS expertise with you in an upcoming webinar series and make the knowledge available to everyone.

We’ll start with an in-depth introduction to discover how the DDS technology evolved over the years to become the OMG standard and go-to system for portable, interoperable, distributed, and data-centric middleware. This webinar will be hosted by one of DDS pioneers, Angelo Corsaro, PhD, now CEO/CTO of ZettaScale Technology, together with Erik Boasson, ZettaScale DDS Head of Technology, who will share their expertise and discuss how they have pushed the technology to create Cyclone DDS.

In the second webinar, we’ll discuss some of the challenges that users face when using Cyclone DDS to build large systems and some of the design and deployment choices that can be made to address these challenges. If your robots work in busy factories or warehouses and you want to level up their efficiency, this session hosted by Lex Heerink (our Senior Technical Lead) is for you.

During our next webinar, Martijn Reicher (our Senior Software Engineer) will explain how Shared Memory and zero-copy exchange work, discuss some important data models choices, and will provide a demo as an example to understand how it works.

Philip Oetinger and Troy Harrison will use their expertise to discuss why people from the ROS community chose Cyclone DDS as their preferred middleware.

Last but not least, our CEO & CTO, Angelo Corsaro, will host another live webinar and lead a discussion about the commercial version of Cyclone DDS. His guest is Salvador Rodriguez Lopez, our partner from TTTech Auto. They’ll talk about our newly launched commercial support offering for Cyclone DDS, which is a joint product of TTTech Auto and ZettaScale and built for real-time mission-critical systems. This version introduces some long-awaited functionalities requested by our partners and clients. To find out more, be sure to register and attend our webinars.

  • 7th of March: Cyclone DDS – The Origins (Recording)
  • 21st of March: Scalability in DDS: Dealing with large systems (Recording)
  • 4th of April: Reasons for Choosing Cyclone DDS Shared Memory (Recording)
  • 18th of April: ROS and CycloneDDS (Recording)
  • 16th of May: When to use the commercial offering for Cyclone DDS (Recording)

Register to attend this webinar series live and ask our DDS experts your questions.

The most recent release of the commercial support for Cyclone DDS introduced some long-awaited functionalities requested by our partners and clients. Specifically, this version introduces support for Time Sensitive Networking (TSN), Extensible Data Types (X-Types) and is equipped with monitor tools. You can read more about its features here.

If you have questions about Cyclone DDS or this webinar series, don’t hesitate to contact us at or reach out directly to our development team through our Discord channel.




ZettaScale’s mission is to bring to every connected human and machine the unconstrained freedom to communicate, compute and store — anywhere, at any scale, efficiently and securely.

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